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  • Writer's pictureJenn Natsue

5 Gift Giving Tips

Updated: Dec 6, 2018

The season is upon us and every year we remember--gift giving is hard.

After many years of giving (and receiving!) some truly misfitting presents, here are (way more than) five tips I've accumulated.

  • Don't tell the recipient what you're getting them. We're starting off with a seemingly obvious tip that I've surprisingly seen ignored... a lot. If you already told someone what you're getting them, that's no longer really a gift, but just something you've been planning to give to them. It's a kind gesture, but you shouldn't count it towards your giftly-efforts.

  • Don't give someone a hand-me-down as a gift. Unless you're really strapped, it's a White Elephant event, and/or you have a very close relationship with them, this feels tacky. Of course, every situation is different, but generally, I would avoid giving something secondhand.

  • Don't tell the recipient how much their gift(s) cost. Again, this might sound like common sense, but it's important to not even give them a ballpark amount. There's no need--and if they really want to think about it, it should be pretty clear from the gift how much was spent on it.

  • Set a budget for each person (or couple, i.e. significant other's parents) How much do you think they'll be willing to spend on you? Try to match their approximate price. This, of course, varies, depending on your relationship.

  • Listen to what kinds of things they like. Is it a general interest, like movies? Or is it something specific, say, movies directed by Ridley Scott? Are they more passionate about something in particular, or a general hobby?

  • Also try to determine their sense of humor. What one friend might find funny, your aunt from two states away might not.

  • Determine whether the recipient prefers a luxury, fun, or practical gift. Remember, these can overlap!

  • Be cautious with surprise gifts. If you know the recipient will not have a gift for you, make sure the surprise won't make them feel guilty, or else it's best not to give them something.

  • Give yourself enough time to plan, including delivery time. Ordering online makes things convenient, but the Christmas rush will still push delivery estimates off.

  • Wrap the gift appropriately. For example, don't wrap a gift in an old iPhone box "to save money." This is not only tacky, but the recipient might have a lot of letdown if the packaging is for a nice product (one they might even want!) that turns out to be some socks. If something needs a bag or a box, even reusing packaging from years past can be less misleading (and still inexpensive!).

  • Don't forget the gift receipt! Just in case.

  • If all else fails, don't be afraid to give a gift card or certificate. Even if it's not the new bicycle they really want, it's better to give a monetary gift that the recipient can use as they wish than show up empty-handed altogether.

If this sounds like a lot to keep in mind, hang in there! Gift giving definitely gets easier with time and age, and don't sweat it if you get someone's gift wrong! It truly is the thought that counts.


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