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  • Writer's pictureJenn Natsue

Using Opera: My New Default Browser

For the last month or so, and after being recommended it by a tech-savvy friend, I've been testing out Opera. It's a web browser that's Chromium-based, i.e., it's a lot like Google Chrome, with an important difference. It uses a lot less of my CPU's memory, so I can run it while playing games, watching livestreams, etc.

I've only been using the "default" version of Opera, not the X (gamer) version, but so far it's been great! My biggest issue with Chrome was how much memory it was using, and this has been a vast improvement. Another thing to love is how it syncs with my Google account's information, including autofill information. I don't have to re-enter every password I have saved! It's honestly a godsend.

And now, to reorganize my massive Passwords (physical) binder. Hoo boy.

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