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  • Writer's pictureJenn Natsue

Positive Notes

Around midway through the year I notice that everyone neglects or stops mentioning their New Year's Resolutions. I'm one of those people.


I thought I'd kick off noting some of the positive changes I've made some progress on in 2018.

  • I've made healthier eating choices! Which means not only saving $$ by cooking, but also being more aware of more beneficial ingredients and products.

  • By way of cooking more, I've LEARNED how to cook more! Once you get over the initial costs of buying spices and base necessities, cooking, in a lot of ways, pays for itself.

  • I've been working out fairly regularly, and by that I mean once a week, hah. But last year was 0 times a week--so I'm really excited to keep adding onto this.

  • I've gotten better at budgeting myself. Often I'll nickel-and-dime myself on purchases by saying, "it's only a few dollars more." By keeping to a stricter budget, my savings add up--and it makes special treats less guilty!

  • I've found ways to deal with self-doubt in healthier ways. This is a topic I'll touch on more in future posts.

  • Makeup and skincare empties! And also...

  • No-buys. I've gone a good several months without buying any new products, and instead been using up what I have before researching their replacements. That might sound redundant, but nothing is more demotivating to finish products than finding out halfway through that there's something *even better* out there, just waiting for you....

  • Getting over my purchase/sale FOMO. Asking myself, "Do I *really* need this?" and "Do I have dupes for this?" You guessed it, there are a lot more makeup posts (including empties updates, no-buys, and pan projects!) awaiting in the future.

I'll keep updates to this list in the future by making more posts about positive choices. Oftentimes people feel like if you post a lot of reflective pieces, you're not happy. That's not the case! For some balance, I like to keep track (via online posts) of great changes.


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