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  • Writer's pictureJenn Natsue

Welcome Back

And apologies for the sudden and unannounced hiatus (more an apology to myself than to a reader unbeknownst to me). I took some time off from writing here to focus on a few endeavors--my portfolio, beading, and writing.

As much as I enjoy having a log to keep track of my brain's rattling, I realized that once again I'd fallen into the trap of constantly posting, constantly queuing links and videos and thoughts, and it was wearing me down. I realized that the best, most consistent blogs post consistently but also meaningfully--and with as many creative projects as I have going on, I can't keep punishing myself, even if only mentally, for not posting every other day. I'll work my way up to that consistency, but for now, I need to make sure I'm prioritizing my most important projects.

All of this brings me to this moment! I sat down, finally ready to update this place, with a cup of strong coffee, and feeling refreshed. For today, I'm working on that ongoing 'portfolio' project, queuing some new links I've discovered over the past month, and hopefully getting to play with some makeup. Cheers, loves.


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